A film directed by Berlin based, Hermano Silva, and co-produced by Sally Gray and London College of Fashion, was derived from a 1993 illustrated essay written by David McDiarmid. The essay was first performed by McDiarmid at the AIDS political forum, ‘HIV: Towards a Paradigm’ in Melbourne, April 1993, and since McDiarmid’s death in 1995, has been published in the gay press and scholarly publications. The 2011 film A Short History of Facial Hair; David McDiarmid was presented at The Fashion Space Gallery, London College of Fashion, accompanied by a selection of McDiarmid’s Rainbow Aphorisms, in an exhibtion curated by Sally Gray and Magda Keaney.
The work of gay artist David McDiarmid is still illuminating
Stephanie Bunbury (2011) “Fabulous Poster Boy for Queer Activism”, The Age, Oct 21 2011
Fabulous Poster Boy for Queer Activism
16 September - 29 October 2011