Dr Sally Gray is a creative thinker whose self-crafted career has been independent and inventive. She is currently a writer, curator, artist, concept developer and creative producer with projects realised, nationally and internationally, under the umbrella of the arts consultancy she founded in May 1994.
Sally, Gray, Sydney, Artist, Curator
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Her most recent work investigates aesthetic relationships
between groups of creative practitioners and the global circulation of ideas of fashionability …

Since her teenage years – when she won a prize for an essay submitted to The Ballarat Social Questions Secretariat, while in Year 12 – Sally Gray has been a writer. Until the 1990s her writing remained intrinsically embedded – and not separately articulated – within her creative work. From the early 2000’s she began publishing work exploring the aesthetic and political concerns on which her life and career has been based. Links to Sally’s writing can be found at

Dr Sally Gray’s research on art and fashion interfaces brings together postmodern historiography, queer theory and historical biography to bear on understanding of the materiality of objects. Gray has placed the making, wearing and aesthetics of clothing and adornment within specific urban subcultures of New York and Sydney. Her most recent work investigates aesthetic relationships between groups of creative practitioners and the global circulation of ideas of fashionability.

Professor Peter McNeil (2011) ”What’s the Matter?: The Object in Australian Art History”, Journal of Art Historiography, No 4, June 2011, pp17-18

In July 2019 the second edition of her 2017 book, Friends, Fashion and Fabulousness: The Making of an Australian Style was launched.





See quotes from selected reviews:

You might just wonder how Baz Luhrmann and Catherine Martin managed the feat of creating their globally marketable brand BAZMARK with just five films. An answer can be found by reading Friends, Fashion and Fabulousness: The Making of an Australian Style, by the cultural historian Sally Gray. In it she constructs a remarkable narrative of the processes by which a unique Australian exotic style was created in Sydney in the 1970s, the 1980s and the early 1990s.

Laleen Jayamanne: book review of Friends, Fashion and Fabulousness: The Making of an Australian Style – Fashion, Style, & Popular Culture (Vol. 6, Issue 2) March 2019

Friends, Fashion and Fabulousness appears to be pink and slight and frivolous … But its weight is real and metaphoric - it has grace and gravitas. There is the scholarly seriousness, the rigour of the account itself, and Gray’s capacity to incorporate theory, for those who enjoy it, without deadening the text.

Judith Pugh: ‘The Era That Changed Us’, book review of Friends, Fashion and Fabulousness: The Making of an Australian Style
Artist Profile April 2019