Dr Sally Gray is a creative thinker whose self-crafted career has been independent and inventive. She is currently a writer, curator, artist, concept developer and creative producer with projects realised, nationally and internationally, under the umbrella of the arts consultancy she founded in May 1994.
Sally, Gray, Sydney, Artist, Curator
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Dr Sally Gray

Dr Sally Gray is a creative thinker whose independent-minded career has been self-crafted and inventive. She is a writer, curator, artist, concept developer, creative producer, advocate and teacher. Her numerous cultural projects have been realised, nationally and internationally under the umbrella of the arts consultancy she founded in May 1994.

Her exhibitions – covering architecture, art, design, photography, fashion, queer cultures and cultural history – have appeared in Beijing, London, Melbourne, Sydney and regional galleries and museums in Australia. Her scholarly work as a cultural historian – writing on art, fashion and urban life – has been published in books, book chapters and journal articles.

Read more about Sally.